Steps To Create a Gmail Account For a Website

You will get a free 10GB storage to save all your emails no matter how loaded they may be with rich media. 
Follow these easy steps:
  1. Go To Google Apps for Domains
  2. Submit your website address without typing http://
  3. Then fill up the vacant blanks with required information. Keep your username simple because this will be attached to your domain name to create your custom Gmail account username. In my case I choose Mohammad for my sister blog.
setup email with googleapps
      4.  Keep Alternate email address the same as your personal Gmail ID or any ID  that you use frequently.
      5. Click the submit button to create your account

      6. You have now successfully created an account with Google apps. Now you need to verify that you actually own the domain. You will be given two options Express and Custom. Choose express.
express and custom googleapps
   7.   Click the next buttons till you get to Domain verification page. Here you get 5 options to verify your domain which are:
  1. Upload HTML File      (Recommended Method)
  2. HTML Tag            (under alternate Methods tab)
  3. Google Analytics       (under alternate Methods tab)
  4. Domain Name provider       (under alternate Methods tab)
Choose the second option of HTML Tag because it is the easiest of all. Copy the simple Meta tag and paste it inside your template just below <head> section. 
Tip for Genesis Users: 
Once done, hit the verify button and you are half done. 
domain verified
Click the continue link and you will be taken to Google Apps Setup wizard. You may keep all options default and keep clicking next till you reach setup Gmail:
set up gmail
Choose other from the drop down box which says "Choose your Host" Click Next
Setting up MX Records
Here you will be given four MX entries that you need to submit to your webhost. 
MX records
You will need to log into your web host account and navigate to DNS Manager or DNS settings. DNS zone is also called DNS ManagementMail Server Configuration, or Name Server Management, depends on your webhost. I will be sharing here the settings for hostgator here which will give you a clear observation on what to do.
Setting For HostGator:
  1. Log in your Control Panel
  2. Click the MX entry icon just under Mail
  3. Choose your domain
  4. Set Email routing to Automatically Detect Configuration
  5. Now enter 5 MX entries one by one inside the Records box.  These MX entries are given to you by Google apps. While entering the destination remove the dot in the end. For example ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM. should be entered as ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
MX entry hostgator
     5.  When everything has been entered correctly it will look like this:
MX entries for googleapps
Note: If an MX entry exists by default, you may delete it and keep only the above 5 MX entries. It will take 24 hours for your Email to connect to Google servers so be patient
Go back to Google apps and keep on clicking next till you complete the wizard. Though completing the setup wizard is not necessary but to avoid the irritating prompting messages better complete it. 
Congratulations! You have now successfully created a custom Gmail address for your website.

#1: Fancy Blogger Threaded Commenting System

Fancy blogger threaded comments
Ah! I loved this. One of the finest creation of MBT and Mohammad. Threaded comments add breath to your comments which makes it more appealing and gives an easy look who is talking to whom. Shows users and Admin in different highlighted style and contains automatic comment counts also! 
Install Now!

#2: Table of Contents

table of contents for blogger
Google is just 50% boss! So, after you have successfully created sitemap for robots, why not create a sliding dropdown sitemap for your users too? Give them user friendly experience while browsing through your site! 
Install Now!

#3: Popular Posts with Counter!

auto numbered popular posts
Popular posts serve your users best way to navigate through trending articles on your website. And when the widget is styled by MBT, then who dares not to visit your posts? :) Grab this cool widget through the link below! 
Install Now!

#4: Contact Form

custom blogger contact form
There you go. A way users can use to contact you without giving out your email id to them. A beautiful contact form is really appreciated. Get going and install this form on your blogger blogs right away...! 
Install Now! [Part 1] 
Install Now! [Part 2] 

#5: Accordion Dropdown Widget

popular series widget for blogger
This is also a great invention by MBT. A smooth sliding dropdown widget in your footer will sparkle out your whole site. You can place your own links, categories, or anything you want. Useful for display long list of posts or related articles in series. So, what are you waiting for? 
Install Now! 

#6: HootSuite For Blogger

hootsuite for blogger
The popular app HootSuite is launched for Bloggers. So why are you still here guys? Go on and install this cool and useful application to your site as soon as possible! Follow the link:

#7: AdSense Booster Plugin

Adsense Booster
A great plugin developed by STC Network which allows adding your adsense ads right after <!---more--> tag in blogger which breaks your content into some part. This plugin will surely boost your CTR earnings!
Install Now!

#8: URL Redirection

url redirection
Nice plugin to redirect users to a demo site through your links. Give out a professional feeling and view. Must install plugin if you are on blogger and share downloadable resources. This is trick applied by all Blogger/Wordpress Template Sharing sites to let users stay inside the root domain.
Install Now!

#9: Facebook Activity Feed Plugin

facebook activity for blogger blogs
Yet another great plugin by MBT to inform your users about recent happenings on Facebook around you. Grab it now.
Install Now!

#10: Floating Colorful Navigation Menu

colorful navigation
I liked this one too. Lightweight, easy to load, easy to customize, and 100% working. Designed by Mohammad.  You should give it a try and I guarantee you won't be disappointed with the results!
Install Now!